Graveyard Lyrics: It's crazy when / The thing you love the most is the detriment / Let that sink in / You can think again / When the hand you wanna hold is a weapon and / You're nothin' but skin. Funny in Farsi in the classroom, I get a lot of emails from twelveto eighteen-year-olds, and they say things like, “You are the best writer ever!” I write them back and I say, “You are so astute!” Even though Funny in Farsi is my story, it’s essentially a universal tale of being an outsider. If you’ve gone through adolescence.
Funny And Farsi Sparknotes

Funny And Farsi Summary
Funny in Farsi Essay
726 Words | 3 PagesJustin Barney Psy 41 Professor Strahan Funny in Farsi Analysis The focus of this paper is an analysis of the book Funny in Farsi by Firoozeh Dumas using concepts from the Lives Across Cultures textbook. Ten concepts are identified and defined from Chapter readings. Following definitions, examples from the novel of these concepts are shown. Ethnocentrism is defined as the tendency to judge other people and cultures by the standards of one’s own culture and to believe that the behavior
Funny in Farsi Essay
769 Words | 4 PagesIn the book Funny in Farsi by Firoozeh Dumas, there are five concepts from our textbook, Lives Across Cultures: Cross-Cultural Human Development by Harry W. Gardiner and Corrine Kosmitzki. Three of the concepts are components of Firoozeh Dumas’ developmental niche such as the psychology of her caretakers, the customs of her child care, and the social settings of her daily life growing up. The other two concepts are individualism and ethnocentrism. Dumas’ developmental niche is apparent throughout
Funny In Farsi Analysis
1090 Words | 5 PagesThe Emotion WarWar is portrayed as something emotional that every living being goes through in their lifetime. Most of the people experience.In the story, Funny in Farsi, the author Firoozeh informs the reader about her previous wars that she has gone through. The author relates to her to her internal conflict that she goes through during her lifetime.In the beginning of the story the author tells the reader about her struggle with her name and how people kept on miss pronouncing it. Firoozeh
Funny in Farsi Immigration Essay
1202 Words | 5 PagesNicola Rahman English-Ms.Esmail America has often been called “The Land of the Free”, where opportunities are like the bounteous fish caught at sea; the catch may be large or small, may come sooner or later. Just as the Gold Rush prompted for many miners to come about, the promising opportunities have prompted for immigrants to pour into in America. Although
Analysis Of Firoozeh Dumas 'Funny In Farsi'
1175 Words | 5 PagesFiroozeh Dumas, author of Funny in Farsi, crafts a well developed book that details her experience as an Iranian immigrant in America. She uses humor and a light hearted tone throughout the book and this creates an appeal for all ages. While Dumas spins hilarious stories from her childhood, she often speaks with a serious undertone about the struggles of growing up Iranian in America. Dumas tells why she decided to attempt to take on an American name, how she discovered the way Americans truly feel
Dumas Free Time Essay
434 Words | 2 Pagesasked Dumas questions some serious, some silly, but what surprised her is they never ask geographic questions, “They wanted to know more important things, such as camels. How many did we own back home? What did we feed them? Was it a bumpy ride?” (Funny in Farsi, 90). Dumas often became frustrated with people that asked her idiotic questions, and she expressed it not physically but, verbally (Fun in Farski, 91). The reason she does, is because the questions are unimportant and they’re just teasing her
Gathering Around the Table
709 Words | 3 PagesMy early memories bring back images of my family and I gathered around the white kitchen table. At that table, my mom revealed the list of potential names for my new baby brother. Manner lessons given at meal times consisted of shouts of 'elbows off the table' and 'stop kicking your sister', which echoed over the commotion of meals. My family and I spent dinner time bonding, finding out about each other's days, and spending a few moments together as a family before we were tucked into bed. Meals
The F Word Essay
955 Words | 4 PagesWriting Project 2 In “The F Word” written by Firoozeh Dumas an excerpt from her autobiography titled Funny in Farsi, she talks about her struggles living in America from having a very different name, to not understanding English very well. Dumas uses examples from her childhood and all throughout her life to explain why she feels Americans are ignorant to new and different things. The author would like her audience to be aware of other cultures, and their names and lifestyles. She feels Americans
Analysis Of The F Word By Firoozeh Dumas
1736 Words | 7 Pages“The F Word” written by Firoozeh Dumas, describes the struggles of an Iranian immigrant that tries to assimilate and feel accepted in the American society. The excerpt is about not feeling comfortable in using her Farsi name and the negative attitudes she receives while using it. Duma’s shows the Americans’ intolerance towards immigrants such as herself. In “The F Word,” Firoozeh Dumas suggests that stereotypical treatment and close-mindedness towards immigrants hinders assimilation through the use
The Islamic Revolution Of Iran Essay
1891 Words | 8 PagesThe Islamic revolution that ensued from the political dispute between the Shah and the Iranian population greatly affected Marjane the country holistically. This attempt at overthrowing the Shah, which was perceived as violent and domineering, resulted in not only the Revolution but also in the rise of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Therefore, not only did religion play a crucial role in Marjane’s life, but also Islam and the political values of Iran were very closely related rather than separated

Funny Farsi Phrases