There's a fake Hypixel server.SUBSCRIBE TODAY! - / SPONSOR - Can we hit 200 Likes fo. The Hypixel Server features original Minecraft minigames designed for an amazing community.
How to Join the Hypixel Server
Social Menu (friends, parties and guilds)
Hypixel Privacy Settings
Linking Your Minecraft Account to
The Delivery Man
How To Report Rule Breakers
Hypixel In-Game Profile
Hypixel Network Leveling and Experience
Coin Multipliers
Quests and Challenges
Article Layout

Hypixel Server Address
Articles pertaining on how to join the Hypixel Server and its features.
Hypixel Server Name And Address
How to Join the Hypixel Server
Hypixel is one of the largest and highest quality Minecraft ServerNetworks in the world, featuring original and fun games such asSkyblock, BedWars, SkyWars, and many more! To play on the HypixelSer...
Linking Your Minecraft Account to
Linking your Minecraft account to your account will giveyou the Creeperbook Achievement and 15,000 Hypixel Network Experience. If you do not have a Hypixel Forums account, please follow ...
All Hypixel players can join parties with other users. Parties allowyou to play with your friends in your games. A party allows you togroup up with your friends on the Hypixel Server to play the dif...
How To Report Rule Breakers
Using /report command will send reports of players to the Staff teamfor review and possible punishment. ⚠️ The Hypixel Help Deskcannot process reports. Please use the methods listed below. ► RuleBr...
Guilds allow you to work with your friends to gain coins, HypixelExperience, and special cosmetics. A guild is a group that let's youwork together with your friends to get guild achievements andexp...
Social Menu (friends, parties and guilds)
The Hypixel Social Menu allows players to easily manage their friendslist, guild and party. Team up with your friends to join compatiblegame modes, such as team Bed Wars or team SkyWars! ► The Soci...
Hypixel Network Leveling and Experience
Hypixel Network Leveling allows players to unlock different cosmetics,permanent coin multipliers, and much more. Hypixel Experience can begained by playing games and doing quests on the Hypixel Serv...
Hypixel In-Game Profile
The In-Game Profile allows you to edit your social media, MVP+rankcolor, settings, language, and friend's list. You can also viewinformation about your stats and achievements in this menu. TheHypix...
Quests and Challenges
Completing quests and challenges will reward you with coins, HypixelExperience, and more! Each gamemode on the Hypixel Server hasdifferent quests and challenges to do either daily or weekly. ►TheB...
The Delivery Man
The Delivery Man delivers daily and monthly rewards to the HypixelServer's players. The Delivery Man brings daily, monthly, and one timerewards to everyone. Rewards can be Mystery Dust, Mystery Boxe...